O Brasil é dos Brasileiros e também dos indios desde que a política de demarcação das reservas atinjam bom senso. Totalmente contra a devastação e a exploração de ongs de má fé!

Mensagem postuma de Villas Boas com relação a invasão norte americana através dos Ianomâmis. E a ameaça a soberania Nacional.

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Saturday, 19 of May of 2007




Art.1º - the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture, is an entity of private law, also assigned for acronym, INESPEC, established in first of May of the year of 2007, is a civil society, without economic ends, that duration for indeterminate time will have, headquarters in the City of , State of the Ceará, in the street Dr. August Fernando, 873 - House II, quarter Amaro Saint, CEP 60.540.260.

Art.2º - the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture has as objective main to keep institutions of education of levels:
a) Medium;
b) Superior;
c) Specific projects of education, culture, extension and culture;
d) To keep organisms of defense of the diffuse interests of the civil society.

Art.3º - In the development of its activities, the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture will not make any discrimination of race, color, sex or religion.

Art.4º - the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture will have an Internal regulation, that approved for the General meeting, will discipline its functioning.

Art.5º - In order to fulfill to its (s) purpose (s), the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture will be able to be organized in as many units of rendering of services, how many if to make necessary, which will be conducted for its Internal regulation, for the Internal regulation of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture,


Art.6º - the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture is constituted by limitless number of associates, who will be admitted, the judgment of the executive direction, amongst idoneous people.

Art. 7º - In the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture It will have the following categories of associates:

1) - Founding, the ones that to sign the act of foundation of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture;

2) - Meritorious those to which the General meeting to confer this distinction, spontaneously or for proposal of the executive direction, in virtue of the excellent services given to the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture;

3) - Honorary those that if to make creditors of this homage for services of notoriety given to the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture, for proposal of the executive direction to the General meeting;

4) - Contributing the ones that to pay to the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture the monthly fee established for the Executive Direction, for maintenance of its objectives;

Art. 8º - They are right of the founding associates of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture, when quit with its social obligations:

I - to vote and to be voted for the elective offices;

II - to take part in the general meetings.

Only paragraph. The meritorious and honorary associates will not have right the vote and nor they could be voted.

Art. 9º - They are duties of the associates of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture:

I - to fulfill statutory and regimental the disposals;

II - to accept the determination of the Direction.

Only paragraph. Having joust cause, the associate could be dismissed or excluded of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture for decision of the executive direction, after the right of action of defense, and this decision will fit resource to the general meeting in the maximum stated period of 15 (fifteen) days.

Art. 10 - The associates of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture do not answer, not even subsidiarily, for the obligations and social changes of the institution.


Art. 11 - The Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture will be managed by:

I - General meeting;

II - Executive direction;

III - Advice of Custodians.

Art. 12 - The General meeting, sovereign agency of the institution, will consist of the founding associates in full joy of its statutory rights.

Art. 13 - It competes to the General meeting:

I - to choose the Executive Direction and the Advice of Custodian;

II - to dismiss the administrators;

III - to appreciate resources against decisions of the executive direction;

III - to decide on reforms of the Statute;

III - to grant the heading of meritorious and honorary associate for proposal of the direction;

IV - to decide on the convenience to alienate, to transigir, to convey by mortgage or to exchange capital assets;

V - to decide on the extinguishing of the entity, in the terms of this statute;

VI - to approve the accounts;

VII - to approve the internal regulation.

Art. 14 - The General meeting will become fullfilled itself, usually, a time per year stops:

I - to appreciate the annual report of the Executive Direction;

II - to argue and to homologate the accounts and the rocking approved for the Advice of Custodians.

Art. 15 - The General meeting will become fullfilled itself, extraordinary, when convoked:

I - for the president of the Executive Direction;

II - for the Executive Direction;

II - for the Advice of Custodians;

III - for petition of 1/5 of the quit founding associates with the social obligations.

Art. 16 - The invocation of the General meeting will be made by means of proclamation affixed on the headquarters of the Institution, for circular or other convenient ways, with minimum antecedence of 15 (fifteen days).

Only paragraph - Any Assembly will install itself in first invocation with the majority of the associates and, in second invocation, with any number, not demanding the law special quorum.

Art. 17 - The Executive Direction will be constituted by a President, a Vice-president, First and According to Secretaries.

Only paragraph - the mandate of the executive direction will be of 6 (six) years, being able to be led back of a consecutive re-election.

Art. 18 - It competes to the Executive Direction:

I - to elaborate and to execute annual program of activities;

II - to elaborate and to present, to the General meeting, the annual report;

III - to establish the value of the monthly fee for the contributing partners;

IV - to entrosar itself with public and private institutions for mutual contribution in activities of common interest;

V - to contract and to fire employees;

VI - to convoke the general meeting;

Art. 19 - The executive direction will at least congregate two times to the year.

Art. 20 - It competes to the President:

I - to represent the Institute of Education Research, Extension and active and, passively judicial Culture and extrajudicially;

II - to fulfill and to make to fulfill to this Statute and the Internal regulation;

III - to convoke and to preside over the General meeting:

IV - to convoke and to preside over the meetings of the Direction;

V - to sign all the checks, drafts and headings that represent financial obligations of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture.

Art. 21 - It competes to the Vice-president:

I - to substitute the President in its lacks or impediments;

II - to assume the mandate, in case of avoidance, until its ending;

III - to give, in general way, its contribution to the President.

Art. 22 - The First Secretary competes:

I - to secretariar the meetings of the Direction and General meeting and to write acts;

II - to publish all the notice of the activities of the entity.

Art. 23 - It competes to As the Secretary:

I - to substitute the First Secretary in its lacks or impediments;

II - to assume the mandate, in case of avoidance, until its ending; e

III - to give, in general way, its contribution to the first secretary.

Art. 24 - The ability of the Advice of Custodians will be defined in the Internal regulation of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture.
Art. 27 - It competes to the Advice of Custodians:

I - to examine books of bookkeeping of the entity;

II to examine semester the temporary balance sheet presented, thinking the respect;

III - to present prescription reports and expenditures, whenever they are requested.

IV - to think on the acquisition and alienation of good.

Only paragraph - the Advice will usually congregate to each 6 (six) months and, extraordinary, whenever necessary.

Art. 28 - The activities of the directors and council members, as well as the ones of the associates, will be entirely gratuitous, being to them forbidden the act of receiving of any profit, gratuity, bonification or advantage.

Art. 29 - The professional activities for the maintenance of the objectives of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture will be remunerated in accordance with the respective project approved for the executive direction, and not if confude with the prohibition foreseen in the previous article.

Art. 30 - The Association will be remained through contributions of the associates and other activities, being that these incomes, resources and eventual resulted operational will be applied integrally in the maintenance and development of the institucional objectives, in the domestic territory.


Art. 31 - The patrimony of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture will be constituted of goods and chattel, immovable, vehicles, self-moving, action and policies of public debt.

Art. 32 - In the case of dissolution of the Institution, the remaining goods will be destined to another institution same type, with corporate entity, that is registered in the National Advice of Social Assistance - CNAS or Public entity, after to seem of the executive direction of the Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture.


Art. 33 - The Institute of Education Research, Extension and Culture will be dissolved by decision of the Extraordinary General meeting, especially convoked for this end, when to become impossible the continuation of its activities.

Art. 34 - The present statute could be remodelled, in any time, for decision of 2/3 (two terços) of the gifts to the general meeting especially convoked for this end, not being able it to deliberate, in first invocation, without the absolute majority of the associates, or with less than 1/3 (one terço) in the following invocations, and will enter in vigor in the date of its register in notary's office.

Art. 35 - The omissive cases will be decided by the Executive Direction and authenticated by the General meeting.

Art. 36 - The present statute was approved by the carried through general meeting in day 10 of May of 2007, and after enters in vigor its publication in the Internet in the site of the entity.

City of , in 19 of May of 2007.

Raimunda teacher Enrique Rabelo Da Silva
Pedagoga and Especialista in Special Education